Friday, 26 October 2012

Statistics Assignment Help – Get Expert Guidance on Statistics

Random variable and probability distribution is very basic terms OS statistics which help in advance or higher level OS statistics concepts.Suppose the outcomes of the experiment of a toss of coins  were expressed in terms of the number of heads  Denoting this number of heads by the letter capital H, we find that in the example, H can have values of 0, 1, 2 and 3 and corresponding to each value of head, a probability is associated. This uncertain real variable H, now which assumes many different numerical values depending on the outcomes of an experiment, and to each of whose values or variable a probability assignment can be made, is known as a random variable.

Statistics Assignment Help clears that the resulting representation of all the values of variable with their probabilities is termed as the probability distribution of head variable H. It is certain that H takes only discrete values no breakup values, the variable head H is called a discrete random variable and the resulting distribution from this value is a discrete probability distribution.

We have now understood that the random variable takes a limited number of values only. There are certain situations may be where the variable of experiment may take infinitely many values. Consider for example that we are interested in ascertaining the probability distribution of the weight of the one kilogram of tea pack that is produced by certain company. We can have reasons from Statistics assignment help to believe that the packing process is such that the weight machine produces a certain percentage of the packs slightly below one kg and some above one kilogram.

Statistics assignment help is must for all students who want their assignment solve within deadline and of highest quality assignment. Statistics assignment help is available with help of internet and many advance internet technology for student.


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  2. online Statistics Assignment Help is the best source for an education.Great informative post!..

    Statistics Assignment Help 
